Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Horror Game "Among The Sleep" Could Be My New Nightmare

This is such a genius idea, I cannot believe I did not come up with it first. As a long, long-time follower of horror games, I feel I own a decent amount of expertise on the subject and can spot when a horror game goes right, or wrong. "Among the Sleep" is a first-person horror game where you are a two-year old experiencing this terror with the mental capacity of a toddler. Therefore, reality is warped and the very creatures that live in your nightmares may seem to come alive. Don't you remember when you were a toddler? I saw shadow creatures dancing down the hallway next to our living room in the depths of the dark. Life through the eyes of a toddler is very different than an adolescent's or adult's. I'm not sure if the game plays on this, but paranormal research says that young children are more sensitive to the paranormal, like animals. In other words, this game could go in a number of creative directions and I am extremely interested to see where they plan to take it. Since you are a toddler, your perspective is lower to the ground and makes the camera angles more intense, for you have to constantly look up and around. Who knows, next time you glance up could be into the hood of some dreaded dark figure. Just saying.

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