Friday, August 17, 2012

So Many Points, So Much Pressure

So, I re-signed up with Xbox Live Gold a while ago and they had began a new program where you can do certain things around your Xbox Live to earn Microsoft Points. Signing up was just one of those things (and the highest paid, I think). I think I did a few other things and ended up with 1190 points. I sat on this amount for a pretty long time, up until yesterday actually. See, some of the newer arcade games in the Game Marketplace were 1200 points and I was 10 away, just 10 points! It was only $4.99 to upgrade by 400 more points. Why not?

I sat on 1190 points for so long and I have no idea why. You'd think a gamer like me could spend those points in the blink of an eye, on Sonic the Hedgehog (I thought about it) or arcade classics. I already own quite a few of them, including Castle Crashers and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. I skimmed the Arcade Marketplace for cheap downloads, tried zillions of trials, but nothing tugged at my heart strings enough. At first, I looked for an entertaining multiplayer game, something like Snoopy's Flying Ace, and then I just looked for something, ANYTHING, that would appeal to me. I just could NOT settle on anything! Why is spending Points such a problem for me? Plenty of great games fell within range of my Microsoft Points, yet I couldn't rest until I found the perfect one. 

Well, I bought the 400 points for an extra $4.99. Now, my points are stuck at 1590, TEN Points away from 1600, which can be used to buy something like Dawnguard (if I HAD Skyrim, ugh). But maybe, just maybe I should wait until Fall...maybe some of the new games will be available on demand like Dishonored. But who knows if it will be a measly 1600 points, it could be as much as Skyrim (like 4600)! Am I wasting my time? Do I use it now, or save it for later? 

For now, I sit on the decision and weight out my options. 

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