Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's Here, The Official Silent Hill: Revelations 3D Trailer

I am going to start off by saying it is so hard not to judge this movie already by what I have seen. I read through the Silent Hill 3 Wiki (since I have yet to beat this game). I am a little confused about the relation of the first movie with this movie, or if the intention is for them to be related at all.

First, the Wiki claims Heather Mason, from the third Silent Hill, is the reincarnation of the deity from the first game, but in the first movie the girl with black hair (their adopted daughter) was the reincarnation. Are we supposed to take this as a relation or completely separate? The girls look absolutely nothing alike. From the ending of the first movie, I took it as they were trapped in another dimension forever, like lost spirits. What confuses me is they used the same actor from the first movie for Harry Mason, so are they supposed to be connected? I am hoping the movie has some explanation.

At the conclusion of the first game, Harry Mason is given an adopted baby girl, which in turn becomes Heather Mason. I am hoping this is shown in the new movie at the beginning, as like a summary of what became of Harry after the disappearance of his other daughter and wife. Then that will at least make a little more sense to me.

The game's story line is pretty grotesque, including vomiting and swallowing fetuses to birth this new deity, and though it would be awesome if they went in that direction, I doubt they will. The main idea of Silent Hill 3 is Claudia is after Heather to use her to birth this new evil deity. Harry Mason actually dies in the game, but it is hard to say what becomes of him in the movie because it is noted that he is just missing. Vincent, the handsome sidekick she finds in the film also dies in the game and I am again intrigued on whether or not they will trail the dark story bit by bit.

I do like the creature design as it brings to life what I encountered in the game. I know Pyramid Head is a cool character and he's been in most of the games just because he's so badass, but again he makes no sense in this film because the second game's storyline never made an appearance in the films. He stems from the second game. Oh well. All I have to do is try not to pre-judge, and just go see it for myself.

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