Monday, July 9, 2012

Pyramid Head, Nurses and Silent Hill: Revelations 3D....Oh No...

Unfortunately (and oddly enough...) Silent Hill Revelations does not yet have an official trailer...or even a I smell a trainwreck? The Hobbit isn't released until December and it already has a full trailer.

I can't get my panties in a bunch just yet. Though this whole production process has been a delayed mess, I still have hope that this movie will be much better than the first. If you didn't see the first, here's a trailer to give you an idea.

  Ok, so that movie was pretty good...if you didn't play the video game. If you played the game and are a loyal Silent Hill fan like myself, I am sure you were enraged. Everything was done...WRONG! No! No! No! Here's an example:
Pyramid Head: we know and love him, right? If you didn't play the games, he seems like an epic and terrifying character to have in the movie. But us gamers, oh we know better. See, Pyramid Head exists because he is the collection of James' supposed guilt over Laura's death (his wife). It is the torment and dark feelings that reside within himself. So...without James Sunderland, there is no Pyramid Head! It's like they just threw Pyramid Head in there and said "Hey, that's sweet dude!" Seriously...

Anyways, enough of that. I am an optimist, and I am hoping this next movie is more loyal to the true Silent Hill fans, as they have promised. Of course, I will have to see it in theaters, make my call and of course probably blog about it on here.

Just so you know, you will hear a lot from me on here about Silent Hill.

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