Thursday, July 12, 2012

Torchlight II, Where Are You?

Can you smell it? The release of Torchlight II is growing near, and I can hardly stay on my seat. Steam has offered pre-purchase sales already and it is taking all of my will power to not spend the rent money ($19.99 actually!) on a pre-purchase. I've gotten ridiculously cheap nowadays.

Anyways, the release date is still unknown, or, a.k.a. "when it's done." It's killing me! Since Diablo III was a total letdown (which I did NOT spend my money on), a lot of people are looking to the release of Torchlight II. Although, there is controversy over the new Co-op and Multiplayer options with the Always Online DRM that Diablo also has. I, on the other hand, can't wait to play this game with my friends and others, as I spent countless hours playing on my own! And I just pray it won't be as awful as the Diablo III Free Weekend experience...I think I played a total of 1-2 hours when the servers were working? I have a Beta Preview for you here for Torchlight II, if you didn't get the chance to play.

You know, after playing Torchlight, I can relate everything else I play back to that because Torchlight was my first experience with a game of its kind. For example, when I played Diablo III, I thought "Holy cow this is JUST like Torchlight!" in terms of its interface, its inventory etc. I just recently picked up World of Warcraft and it's the same reaction. Torchlight opened a dangerous door for me, and for that I am grateful. I know one came before the other and so forth, but it's the order I played them in that matters to me.

Don't worry, I wouldn't leave you with just that. I've also got gameplay videos with two VERY annoying British men playing co-op, just to get an idea of what it looks like.

Again, I just can't wait to play. I just wish I knew WHEN I could play. The fact they are keeping the price at $19.99 makes me leap for joy, because as you all know, many a times a college student has gone broke for the price of a video game. The graphics in the video look great and sharper than in the original. Character design has improved as well as the number of classes and pets to choose from. I'm a girl, and I love the part of choosing the pet. It tickles my cuddly side. I don't know about you, but I am most looking forward to the weapons. I have a cuddly side, yes, but I do love my weapons. All in all, the sooner Torchlight II can get its butt released, the sooner I can put off the rest of the world for a little while.

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