Saturday, October 20, 2012

Drunken Thoughts on World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Please excuse all spelling errors. It's not my fault. Well, nevermind, it is my fault. 

Yes, precisely, I am drunk right now. And do you know how I got drunk? No, I DON'T do frat parties, I DON'T get trashed at the bar. No. I am with friends, drinking, as we watch YouTube videos like Team Fortress 2 parodies and Meet the Pyro (so good). Videos like Cyanide Happiness and game mod music videos (Oblivion, in particular). Potter Puppets and Skyrim raps. Yep, this is how I spend my Friday nights, if I am not playing World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria.

This is my first OFFICIAL experience playing World of Warcraft. I know...GASP! I began the starter edition over the summer and finally dropped the dollars to get Mists of Pandaria. Upon seeing the commercials, I had initially thought this game would be like Kung Fu Panda on crack. I actually have no idea why I even purcahsed the game. Maybe I needed something new. No, that can't be it. I just got Borderlands 2 for free, and I purchased Torchlight 2. And I pre-rented Dishonored, how can I possibly be bored?

Anyways, the game. Okay, I actually like World of Warcraft. I know people get all touchy about the subject, saying people who play WoW never shower, have no friends and no life except for on WoW. As I have come to find, this is NOT true. It's a pretty fun game, and I found myself spending countless hours on it very easily. Until you get fucking lost on a crazy twisted map and all you want to do is complete your objective so you can advance to level 10 and join the Alliance or the Horde and get on with your godforsaken WoW life...Jesus. Sorry, I am lost on a map right now as a level 7 Night Elf and it's really annoying because the map isn't that difficult...

Sorry. Yes, Alliance vs. Horde. I didn't realize how intense the rivalry was between Alliance and Horde until I saw some people smack-talking the Alliance on the public chat. And then I asked some of my Horde friends about the Alliance and they got all bent out of shape, saying Alliance are stuck up. It's like fucking liberals and conservatives (I'm Alliance). It's batshit insane...okay not that insane, but you know what I mean. WoW is a whole 'nother world with a whole 'nother set of responsibilities and friends and...dare I say...lovers. It's another life out there, and I find it absolutely amusing as all hell. That's why I keep playing. I love leveling, joining guilds, completing quests and finding new ones - shit, it's flipping entertaining. I have this need to level higher, get better weapons, better armor - fuck I haven't even done a raid yet! I'm still a n00b, but I love learning and getting more experience.

Did I mention, the panda's dance cracks me up every time? If only I could dance like a panda...

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